Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Faults In Our Stars!

I am so sorry for not blogging for so long! I was so busy packing and unpacking. I'm now living in Miami!!

I recently watched The Faults In Our Stars! I know that it was released a really long tim ago however I wanted to make sure that I read the book by John Green before watching the movie.
Ansel Elgort, who played Augustus Waters and Shailene Woodly, who played Hazel Grace were amazing in the movie. The movie is about two teens that have or are suffering from cancer and they fall in love. During the whole movie I cried because every single actor has delivered the emotion that touched my heart.

Many people have lost someone very important through cancer... I know lots of people. This movie doesn't only show the side of someone who has cancer but it also shows how the family goes through a hard time.

The love story of the two is amazing and how they never give up on each other is so inspiring. This might be one of my favorite movies of all times.